Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Interviewee Questionnaire


Business name

Primary phone

Mailing address

eMail address

Primary Web site


Other relevant sites


Do you have any degrees or professional certificates? If yes, in what?

How long have you been involved in your industry/interest?

How did you select/get involved in your industry/interest?

How do you or your interest/industry manifest, encourage, support, advocate for, further, inspire, or pursue social change?

What is your vision or goal?

What has been your biggest success?

What has been your biggest failure?

What has been your greatest lesson?

What single tip or piece of advice would you offer our readers?

This is your platform - what is your CALL TO ACTION for our readers?

Do you have any specials or offers you'd like to promote or events you'd like us to add to our calendar?

Please list 5 keywords our readers might use to search for this interview.






Please attach your logo, head shot, other photos of yourself and/or clients, or any other graphics that would help illustrate your vision for your interest/industry as a means of social change.

Do you know anyone, locally or elsewhere, who would make a good interview candidate/participant in Social Alchemists? If we already have a connection, I’ll let you know. If I don’t know them but believe they’d be a good fit, I would really appreciate it if you’d be willing to make an introduction.

Many, many, many thanks for your contribution!


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